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Tuesday 5 May 2009

Printing and Studio Tweaks

So avoiding printmaking for the entirety of the course  - partly because I didn’t want to become reliant on methods I couldn’t use at home, but mostly because I’m too shy to head up to the print rooms. Well I failed these past couple of weeks, I was put in touch with Charles Shearer and I’ve been working with him in his studio on one of my projects. The “Evolution: What if?” one [the one the giraffe drawing was for].

So I’ve been making etchings for it,  one drypoint and an experiment with a technique that he uses which involves using mountboard as a relief plate.  That last one is something I think I’m going to use to rapidly and cheaply produce a book as my last project.

giraffev2show drypoint1show


tigerplateshow tigershow

Also, reorganised my studio and put together a shelf made out of old MDF and some drink cans. It has solved many problems. I’ll paint it one day when I have time for such frivolous details…



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