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Thursday 31 December 2009

So I Noticed I Hold My Pencil Funny…

… and I wondered what effect this had on my drawing. Normally I hold it a bit like the tripod  grip, but with the pencil resting on my ring finger instead. I don’t know why I do, or how long I’ve been doing it for. So I read a bit about different ways of holding a pencil and gave it a go on the small cuddly giraffe that sits in front of my monitor. Not quite sure what to make of the results!


Thursday 10 December 2009

Illustration Friday: Crunchy…

…well, almost Crunchy.


I was going to have a go at a version in oils, but other commitments got in the way [Mainly laundry…] I kind of envisaged this as a series of images, or a comic as this sad little elephant keeps popping up in my sketches.

Ironically, if an elephant stood on a snail, or anything crunchy for that matter, we wouldn’t hear it because of the fat cushioning underneath their feet. Imagine that, having an elephant silently sneak up on you!